Trainer of the Year 2021

Congrats to Rich Creager! Rich is our 2021 Trainer of the
Year! He trained over 15 students last year. Rich has now
trained well over 330 students in his career. Rich has been
with ACT since April of 2017. His DSM is Amber. He’s been
driving over 33 years now. His best safety advice is in the
winter time double and triple your following distance, basically drive like you have no breaks. Following distance needs
to be extended and make sure you have plenty of cushion
because you never know what may happen in front of
you. Rich enjoys training because he likes helping new drivers and wants to use his experience to help them learn and
grow and make a good living like he has over his career. It’s
important to mentor and guide the
new drivers who want to be in the
industry and also enjoys helping
them figure out how to solve
whatever challenges they may be
having. Rich’s favorite saying is
from an old school driver – “Know
before you Go”. Basically, make
sure you properly trip plan before
you go so that way you know what
you’re going to encounter before
you get there. Congrats, Rich!
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