DriveCam All Stars
Congratulations to Deb Habiger, Avery Hensley, Colin Green, Patrick Babb, and Steve Crawford for being recognized recently as a few of our elite drivers that achieved No Coachable events in the DriveCam program for 12 consecutive months! This is quite an accomplishment and we commend them for their dedication to one of our core values of Safety here at ACT. Each month, approximately a third of our entire fleet is awarded 1,000 points through ACY Total Rewards for not incurring any coachable events that month in the DriveCam system. These drivers that have gone an entire year without a coachable event demonstrate that it is possible to achieve this high awards. That means they did not incur risk events including following too close, failing to stop at traffic control lights, being distracted while driving, incurring a near collision avoidable event, and many other types of behaviors in DriveCam that could result in a coaching event. Congrats again Dev, Avery, Colin, Patrick, and Steve!
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