ACT Recognizes Talent

Driver of the Year 2021

Charles Ware was named the top overall driver at ACT for
2021. Charles was driver of the month in June and his DSM
is Eric Hukill. Charles has been driving for ACT since September 2015 and he lives in Camdenton, MO. Charles will
receive a custom truck wrap, a Carhartt coat, and a certificate. Charles has been a driver for almost 39 years. His
favorite safety advice is to “always do a thorough & proper
pre-trip inspection. A few minutes
of preventative maintenance can
save you time and trouble down
the road.” Charles had an amazing year, he was dispatched on
141,702 miles, zero service failures, no preventable accidents, no
roadside violations and had zero
coachable events!
Congratulations Charles!

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