ACT Recognizes Talent

Driver of the Year 2022

ACT Driver of the Year
for 2022
The ACT Driver of the Year award is
given to the driver that was one of that
year’s driver of the month.
In order to be a driver of the month,
you have to have zero preventable accidents, no service
failures, no roadside violations/warnings, no motorist/
customer complaints, and have less than 2 Drive Cam
coachable events for the month. Once you have cleared
that set of qualifications, the driver with the highest number of dispatch miles for the month is deemed the winner.
To make the selection for Driver of the Year out of those
12 candidates, the criterion remains the same and the
driver with the highest miles for the year is the winner. This year’s winner is Rick Adams. Rick has been
with ACT since September 2016 and lives in Loves Park,
Congratulations, Rick, on this earning this welldeserved award!!

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